Seas of Darkness


"The Mare Noctem; that unknown 'Orizon at the World's far Edge, where Ships have 

ventured yet None returned. Anon, go we, into that unholy Realm of Serpents and

 Devils, vast and unfathomed, a Sea of Darkness, the open Mouth of Hell itself. . ."

-from the 2nd voyage; 'Enter Mare Noctem'           

Sea of Darkness is the tall-ship pirating cruise presented by Revenge from the Sea.

Seas of Darkness (aboard the tall-ship American Pride): 

I. Into the Sea of Darkness...  (28th July, 2001)

II. Enter Mare Noctem   (7th June, 2003) 

III. The Quest for Virgin Nada   (15th July, 2004) 

IV. Thru the Straits of Dire   (29 July, 2006)

V. The Sanguinary Tide   (2nd August, 2008) 

Prequels (aboard the schooner Pilgrim of Newport)

Raynard's Mutiny   (20th June, 1998)  

The Covenant of Lords   (15th May, 1999) 

Adventure Gallery:  

Pix by Kendra: 

Pix by Melanie/Fourth Realm Photos:  

Pix by Michelle Clement: